Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Kratos God of War: Part 3

In order for  Kratos to receive Pandora's Box he needed to cross the Desert of Lost Souls Where he met his first great challenge in a fight against three sirens. By Defeating the sirens Kratos was able to open a door to a temple containing a horn that is used to signal Kronos who is carrying the temple of Pandora's box on his back. Kratos then scales Kronos a very large titan to enter the temple. where he must fight everything from centaurs to gorgons to Minotaurs. After completing all of these tasks he is finally able to aquire Pandora's box. But in his effort to remove it from its temple Aries discovers Kratos's plan and hurls a spear across the Desert of lost souls impaling Kratos sending him to Hades where he must fight his way out of to return to the mortal world.

The End... Or is it?

Monday, November 25, 2013

What i learned presentation

This might seem jumbled but i used it as more of a note device for myself that a formal paper and it still has plenty of good content.

I would like to break this up into three parts those parts being you, me, and myth
               In this class I have taken in so much in regards to those around me or my class mates such as:
When and where Kelly was born: July 25, 1988 Mankato Minnesota at the Mankato Hospital (talk about how this relates to the origin stories or birth the first stage of the three also clalled Etiology of which the four primary types of stories are exnilio, the earth diver which is the most promanite, the stories of dismemberment, and the stories about a divine creator (which is the one I had about Genesis 1 which there are in fact 7 days that god created the earth in.))
How Uncle John chooses to spend his life: searching for answers as to family heritage and how he has become obsessed with doing such.
The stories of scars that each and every one in this class has as well as the stories we have recounted that have to do with turning twenty one (talk about how this relates back to our initiation stories which involve pain and suffering the second stage of three that we learned about and everybody’s favorite story the one that I chose to talk about that of the Mardudjara aborigines of Australia and how they practiced circumcision and sub-incision)
These are just a few of the lessons and things I have learned in the you section of the you me and myth subsections.
I would like to talk about some things about me such as one of my scar stories relating back to the initiation rituals (tell story of how I tore my ACL)
One more thing that I learned outside of both myth and you is mythology is all around us for instance we have learned that in myth there is always a beginning a middle and an end this is true in every example this presentation will have all three, this class had a beginning a middle and an end, there isn’t a thing I can think of that doesn’t.
Finally we have myth there is so much in myth that I have learned cosmogony or the birth of the universe.
There are so many little factoid that are involved in myth more that I could ever learn in a semester but I would like to recount a few such as the Colassos three phases which are Conviviality, rape or invasion, and Indifference and what a cadeuseus is the staff of snakes these are just simple factoids I also learned
Stories such as that of the story of Sisyiphus- who was condemned to forever roll a rock up a hill and once he reached the top the rock would roll to the bottom and he would repeat the process forever. Or other stories such as Daphnie and Apollo where Daphnie who was running away from Apollo pleaded to be changed into a tree and she was granted her wish.
One final interesting thing that I think is worth pointing out is that Mythos means story and logos means truth so when the two are put together we get true stories whether or not the mythological stories are true I think that his has a second meaning. By that I mean all of what I have learned in this class will be proved true at some point in life the lessons taught here can be translated to fit limitless situation and by taking this class we have been offered the unique opportunity to be able to interoperate both the situations we are put in and the applicable myth and use our knowledge of the myth to help our outcome in the situation.

That anyway is what I learned. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blurb from my "what i learned" presenation

I felt like this was something worth sharing so i figured i would put it on my blog

One thing that I think is worth pointing out is that Mythos means story and logos means truth so when the two are put together we get true stories whether or not the mythological stories are true I think that his has a second meaning. By that I mean all of what I have learned in this class will be proved true at some point in life the lessons taught here can be translated to fit limitless situation and by taking this class we have been offered the unique opportunity to be able to interoperate both the situations we are put in and the applicable myth and use our knowledge of the myth to help our outcome in the situation.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Myth Displaced Towards Realism

I would like to recount my myth displaced towards realism and it is as follows...
With the birth of a young man named Herald to a mother and his father Zack it was set in motion first we have Herald's aunt Heather who hated Herald and what she thought he might accomplish so she would go out of her way to make his life harder as he grew up. It soon became apparent to Zack that his son Herald was to accomplish great things even despite Heathers attempts to cut him down but he made the decision to send him away to some adoptive parents. As Herald grew it was becoming more noticeable that he was very smart and will become an accomplished man. When Herold was older and starting at a new job at a company run by his cousin who was always very concerned that everybody especially Herald was trying to take his position as CEO. One day while Heralds cousin was talking to Heather about their dislike for Herald they devised a plan Herald was to complete twelve tests to become the new CEO but in should he fail he was to leave the company forever. So although this task was seemingly impossible against all odds Herald was able to complete them and assumed his place as a great leader and took control as CEO of his cousins company.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just Do It

I know we talked about it a while ago in class but i still remember the just do it lecture we had which stated we should as nike's motto suggests get out and just do something so i took this as an opportunity to get out and do something i have been planing to do but just haven't had the time that is get out and go fishing which i did over this past weekend i didn't catch much but the scenery was awesome and i was glad to get out and do something.


Friday, November 8, 2013

hints to my displacement towards realism

In my displacement towards realism some hints that one might have picked up on were simply the names i chose they all started with the same first letter as the mythological person i was displacing such as Herold is to Hercules, Heather is to Hera, and Zack is to Zeus. another give away would have been the fact that i stated that Herold as a child was very special just as Hercules was from his childhood and finally the twelve tasks that Hercules was to complete were translated into my story in the from of twelve tests.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Australian Mardudjara Aborigines: Rites of passage ceremony

This gruesome rite of passage consists of two parts the circumcision and sub-incision. the ceremony starts when a young boy of the tribe turns of age usually about 15 or 16. upon this happening the boy is lead to a fire and is told to lie down next tot he fire while tribe members sing and dance around him and a special group called the mourners wail and cry as the ceremony takes place. a tribal elder then sits upon the boys chest facing his feet and with the help of two other men wielding special ceremonial knives the tribal elder removes the foreskin of the boy. The boy is then told to kneel on a shield and let the smoke "cleanse him" finally while in this daze the boy is told to swallow a piece of good meat which is actually his freshly removed foreskin. He is told he has now eaten a piece of his own body and that it will grow in him and make him strong. At this point the ceremony is not over in a few months time the boy is surprised and again lead to the fire with the same setting again the tribal elder sits on the boy this time with the help of a few other men the sub-incision is performed. The process for this is to shove a stick up the urethra to act as a backing then a knife is used to split the penis from the underside. once this process is completed the boy is then told to stand over the fire and let his blood fall upon the flames. At this point the boy is a man and the ceremony is complete. One of the reasons that it is thought that this ceremony is done is so men of the tribe can sympathies with the women of the tribe and from the point this sub-incision is complete the boy will forever have to squat when he pees further forcing him to sympathies with women.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Breakdown of page 89

The first sentence on this page reads "Of the Olympians, the first thing we can say is that they were new gods." Standing out above the rest of his sentence to me were the words "new gods". I am sure this could be interpreted in a number of different ways but i elected to think of it as  the Olympians being a re-imagined version of the gods already perceived by  men. And using this interpretation i continued to break down the remainder of the page. Next Herodotus is mentioned now Herodotus is an ancient Greek Historian who is often called the father of history. Herodotus goes on to say "Before Yesterday no one knew where any of these gods had come from" Meaning there is now origin for these new Olympians only the appearance so little was known it wasn't known whether they existed eternally or even what it was they looked like. It is worth mentioning that when Herodotus says yesterday he is referring to the contest of Homer and Hesiod, a Greek narrative that expands on a remark made from Hesiod's a Work of Days which took place about four centuries before Herodotus's time. It is this narrative that gave the gods their names and brought to light arts and honors held by the gods while also describing what they look like. Hesiod still puts forth an effort to establish an origin story for the gods that made sense. And not until the end were honors gifted to the new gods by Zeus. The war involving Troy is brought up and it is mentioned that the pomposity or hotheadedness of Homer is revealed to be the cause due to his presumption as to the beginning of his tale not being at the beginning but at the end. Those ten terrible years involved in the war of Troy are thought to be the reason the heroes are no more. Even though they heroes themselves are seen as a greatness Homer celebrates their death as the true phenomenon. Olympians always being happy with the way things are had fallen into a rut and not wanting to falter for their way would be content staying their current path forever. And because of this rut the Olympians were in the notion of what happened before them was forgotten.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Again for some reason i have already made this post but it vanished from my blog so i am reposting it sorry i will try to prevent this from happening again.

Anyways this tree that i am hugging is or at least appears dead so i hope that my hugs and prayers to Hamadryades the god of trees will bring it back to life.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Genesis 1 creation myth

God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, But it was dark so god said let there be light and there was light he separated light from dark and made night and day allowing for the first day to come and pass. On the second day god commanded a dome to separate two waters naming the above waters the sky. The second day came and past. On the third day god commanded dry ground to rise forth from the water below the sky he would name this dry ground land and fill it with plants of all kinds both in the water and on the land. The third day came and passed. On the fourth day God commanded two lights to govern the day and the night a greater to rule over the day and a lesser to shine at night and to accompany the lesser he filled the sky with stars. And the fourth day came and passed. On the Fifth day god said i command to ocean to fill with living creatures and the sky's to do the same. he created every kind of bird and all of the sea creatures. The fifth day came and passed. And on the sixth day god said i command the earth to give life to all kinds of tame animals and so it was so. To govern over all he had created god decided to create man in his image he looked at what he had done and it was good. The sixth day came and passed. Finally on the seventh day god rested. God blessed this seventh day and made it special because on the day he rested from his work.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Kratos: Spartan General

First let me start by saying i already made this post but for some weird reason it didn't post of save so i am rewriting it.

Kratos was a young general in the spartan army his tactics were brutal but effective. He had won many battles until he met the army of the barbarians and in a desperate attempt to save himself he offered up his soul to Aries. Aries accepted and in the climax of the war he gave Kratos the strength to conquer his enemy. After the war rather than just taking Kratos's soul Aries enslaved Kratos and commanded him to attack a town. In Krato's blood lust he unknowingly killed his wife and daughter in the onslaught. The orical wanted the world to know of his terrible deeds and to do so she bound the ashes of Kratos's Wife and dauhter to his skin thus earning Kratos the name of the ghost of sparta.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Kratos: God of War Part II

I forgot to mention the inspiration behind these few posts one of my roommates really enjoys playing the video game god of war and i recognized the similarities in class so i decided to make a few posts concerning the adventures of the protagonist Kratos.

After Kratos committed the atrocious deed of killing his family he offered himself to servitude to the gods to reconcile his past transgressions. Most of his affairs were handled by Athena. He carried out many deeds but the most challenging and taxing was when he was ordered to kill Aries the true God of War. In order to carry out the task of killing Aries Kratos was to go to Athens, which at the time was under siege by Aries, to find the oracle to inquire as to how to kill a god. The oracle then told Kratos that the only method a mortal could use to kill a god was to find Pandora's box and utilize its power to finish the god. 

To Be Continued...