Friday, September 13, 2013

Genesis 1 creation myth

God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning, But it was dark so god said let there be light and there was light he separated light from dark and made night and day allowing for the first day to come and pass. On the second day god commanded a dome to separate two waters naming the above waters the sky. The second day came and past. On the third day god commanded dry ground to rise forth from the water below the sky he would name this dry ground land and fill it with plants of all kinds both in the water and on the land. The third day came and passed. On the fourth day God commanded two lights to govern the day and the night a greater to rule over the day and a lesser to shine at night and to accompany the lesser he filled the sky with stars. And the fourth day came and passed. On the Fifth day god said i command to ocean to fill with living creatures and the sky's to do the same. he created every kind of bird and all of the sea creatures. The fifth day came and passed. And on the sixth day god said i command the earth to give life to all kinds of tame animals and so it was so. To govern over all he had created god decided to create man in his image he looked at what he had done and it was good. The sixth day came and passed. Finally on the seventh day god rested. God blessed this seventh day and made it special because on the day he rested from his work.

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